We Ranked Every Cookie At Crumbl This Week (Mar. 17 – 22) — The Winner Is A Magically Delicious Marshmallow Treat

Welcome to the Crumbl Cookie Report! Crumbl loves to join in on the holidays in an effort to sell us stuff, giving us an all-pie lineup for Thanksgiving, heart-themed cookies for Valentine’s day, and now, on St. Patrick’s Day, the brand isn’t just delivering Irish-themed cookies, but offering a major discount and as fans of cheap food and great deals, we’re here for it!

For whatever reason, Crumbl is unveiling what it calls “Luck Week,” where you can pick up four cookies for the price of six all week long. We’re not entirely sure why Crumbl is offering such a significant discount (nearly $10) for St. Patrick’s Day and not any of the other holidays, but whatever, we’ll take it! Despite the deal, this week is a little un-even in its offerings. We’ve got some cookies we’re legitimately excited about, and way too many repeats. Which begs the question — is it actually worth it to buy a six-pack box? In any other week, we’d say no, but maybe that’s the genius behind Luck Week!

Here is every cookie at Crumbl this week, ranked from least to most essential.

7. Cookies & Cream Brownie

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

We’re willing to call it now — Crumbl’s Dessert Of The Month initiative was a good idea, but in practice, we’re not digging it. This is now the third week in a row that the Cookies & Cream Brownie has been on the menu, and each week it has felt less and less essential.

Don’t get us wrong, this is a great-tasting dessert; it’s rich, moist, and well-balanced between sweet chocolate and creamy cookies and cream notes, but by now, we’re sick of it. This is an easy skip this week.

The Bottom Line:

If you haven’t had it yet, it’s worth including in the six-pack box. But if you’ve had it this month and it didn’t absolutely blow you away, there is no need to repeat the experience.

6. The Original Pink Sugar

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

The famous Pink Sugar cookie was last on Crumbl’s menu just a month ago, so while we love this cookie, we think it’s a bit too soon to bring it back. That said, if you haven’t had this cookie, you need to try it, it’s the best sugar cookie you’ll ever eat.

The Original Pink Sugar features an almond sugar cookie base topped with a thick layer of almond frosting, resulting in a cookie that is nutty, creamy, and sweet, with gentle notes of cherry.

The Bottom Line:

It’s worth buying a bunch and freezing to have all year round, but we’re a little more psyched on a few other options this week.

5. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunk

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

There are far too many recent repeats this week at Crumbl, but if we could have only one it would be the Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunk. And yes, we’re fully aware that this cookie is available bi-weekly, but there is a reason for that. Chocolate Chip is the only cookie that deserves a bi-weekly repeat, anyone who says otherwise is just taking this amazing cookie for granted.

Each bite of the Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunk offers a perfect balance of brown sugar, toasted butter, and chocolate flavors. A small pinch of sea salt helps reign in the flavors from coming across as too sweet.

The Bottom Line:

Our favorite chocolate chip cookie of all time.

4. Wildberry Sugar

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

The Wildberry Sugar cookie allows you to pretend you’re making a healthy choice because of the real fruit included in here. Don’t full yourself, this stuff is packed with so much sugar that reading the nutritional facts alone are enough to raise your blood sugar.

The Wildberry Sugar features a light and delicate vanilla cookie base infused with strawberries and blueberries. The berries combine to deliver a sweet, tart, and dark berry blast of flavor in each bite.

The Bottom Line:

A fruity sugar cookie that tastes best warm.

3. Milk Glaze ft. Fruity Pebbles

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

Whether or not you like this cookie entirely depends on if you like Fruity Pebbles. There just isn’t any getting around that artificial fruity flavor here, as this cookie is covered and infused with the cereal.

The cookie’s base is cereal-milk flavored, it has a light creaminess to it that hovers over intense sweetness. The cookie is lightly glazed with a thin milky frosting, and covered in sweet and crunchy Fruity Pebbles. The light and crispy texture of this cookie is incredibly appetizing.

The Bottom Line:

If you’re the sort that likes Fruity Pebbles dry, you’re going to love this cookie.

2. Chocolate Mint Cake ft. Andes

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

All of Crumbl’s Andes collaborations are delicious, and while this one isn’t our personal favorite (that honor goes to the Andes Mint cookie sandwich), it’s hard to bite into this cake and not be filled with joy.

This cake features two layers of moist chocolate cake topped with two layers of semi-sweet chocolate ganache, mint cream cheese frosting, and bits of Andes mints. It tastes, unsurprisingly, like an elevated Andes mint, and that’s not a bad thing.

The Bottom Line:

This one is a no-brainer. If you love Andes mints, this is an easy pick-up. A delicious, rich, and minty chocolatey treat.

1. Mallow Creme ft. Lucky Charms

Dane Rivera

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:

Maybe it’s the St. Patrick’s Day spirit talking, but the Mallow Creme might just be the best cookie to drop at Crumbl this year. Now granted, we have 9 more months to go, but still, this cookie is so damn delicious that it’s worth a trip to Crumbl immediately.

The Mallow Creme features a sweet sugar cookie base infused with white drops, topped with vanilla marshmallow frosting, and a handful of Lucky Charms marshmallows. The marshmallows don’t add too much to the actual flavor, but that’s okay because the base cookie is delicious thanks to its delicate blend of vanilla and white chocolate.

The cookie tastes like what you remember Lucky Charms tasting like, rather than the sugary mess that is the actual cereal. It uses nostalgia as an effective means of bringing you in but delivers an elevated and delicious experience that, pun-intended, comes across like magic.

The Bottom Line:

It’s magically delicious!