Regardless of your pet partisanship, it’s hard not to appreciate when our furry friends overcome somewhat tragic circumstances in miraculous ways. Like this little cutie who survived a 12-mile ride in a running car engine. Or this poor guy, covered in blue spray paint, who was shot in the head and left to rot behind his owner’s car. But it’s not always at the mercy of horrible people that our pets are forced to prove their resilience; sometimes they just escape and go on a road trip.
Meet Moon Unit the cat, whose curiosity evidently got the best of her. Presumably named after Moon Unit Zappa, daughter of musician Frank Zappa, Moon Unit the cat slipped out the door while her parents Marna Gillian and Sean Purdy hosted a New Year’s Eve party back in 2007. The couple spent ages searching London for her, but when leafletting, posters, and phone calls left them empty-handed, they eventually gave up. Then last month they received a very surprising email.
Gillian told Mashable, “We got an email about a month ago saying that a cat had been found in Paris and they’d traced us by her microchip.” Gillian said she was in disbelief until she and the animal rescue charity ADAD exchanged photos. A very distinctive white strip on Moon Unit’s nose provided the good news.
Gillian speculates that Moon Unit must have stowed away and wound up in the suburbs of Paris. Because her microchip was never activated over the last eight years, they believe she arrived illegally. Lucky for her, a return to London was still possible despite Brexit.
Though they are no longer together, Gillian and Purdy traveled to Paris together to retrieve Moon Unit. She is staying with Purdy until she acclimates because, as it turns out, one of the kittens that Moon Unit gave birth to eight years ago still lives with Gillian and they don’t want to overwhelm the resilient kitty. A Crowd Funding page has been set up to thank the rescue group that saved Moon Unit.
(Via Mashable)