You Could Try A $25,000 Scotch For Free At A Pop-Up Bar Next Month


Aged whisky can be expensive. And by expensive, we’re not talking the kind of prices you’d find on the top shelf at the supermarket or your corner liquor store, we’re talking serious cash. Johnnie Walker and Glenlivet recently put their 50-year aged whiskies on the market with price tags around $25,000. A 62-year-old bottle of Macallan can see auction prices as high as $1.5 million. If we spent that much on a whisky, we would hoard it — never daring to pour a glass for anyone, unless they happened to be a rich old scalawag mysteriously offering us the wondrous opportunity to see dinosaurs once again walk the Earth. Or Beyoncé.

Craigellachie saw this tendency for whisky aficionados to save their expensive bottles — leaving them to gather dust on a shelf — and decided it would be a shame for their own 51-year-old scotch to go untested. So they’ve decided to give it away, for free, to a few lucky whisky fans.

The brand will be serving their new Craigellachie 51 (via a traveling pop-up bar appropriately named Bar 51) in a secret location in lower Manhattan from May 7th through May 9th, before packing up and moving on to the next spot. And it won’t just be a couple of people who will get to sample it. Bar 51 has the capacity to seat six people at a time, and will have a total of 150 seatings over its three open nights.

That’s a lot of very expensive alcohol being given out. Definitely worth your effort to score some.

Via Craigellachie

To nab a seat, Craigellachie will be running a lottery from now until Saturday, April 27th at 11:59 pm EST. Winners will be alerted on Monday, April 29th, which will give you about a week’s time to decide which of your lucky friends you’re taking with you — yes, that’s right, you and a friend will get to pretend you’re living on a yacht in the French Riviera sipping insanely expensive drinks and using hundred dollar bills as toilet paper… or something? (We don’t know what rich people do.)

To enter, hit up Craigellachie’s lottery page. If you win, consider taking us as your plus one. I mean, you kind of owe us a solid for putting this on your radar in the first place.