Being a kid is awesome. You get excited about stuff and no one thinks you’re a maniac. People take you seriously as a lawyer (no, really, click the link) and you are an endless source of peacock-chasing hilarity. But sometimes, it’s also kind of tough, particularly if you’re a shy kid. Like a certain someone’s brother, who was so nervous to ask if he could use the bathroom during hockey practice that he chose to pee in his gigantic hockey pants instead. (Spoiler alert: It was my brother. I hope he is reading this.)
The hashtag “GrowingUpShy” is giving bashful youths around the internet (like my brother) the chance to come together and share their tales of shyness. People are covering everything from talking in class to opting to choke rather than cough one more time, and it’s wonderfully entertaining.
Here are just some hilarious examples:
You can disappear faster than Houdini:
What if you say the wrong name?
Praying hard you don’t get called on:
School finally ends, but then you realize the torture has only just begun:
#GrowingUpShy being forcefully dropped off at summer camp like pic.twitter.com/ObWRANHBYw
— M3đź’• (@OHMayaBehave) July 1, 2016
Eating the wrong meal because it’s too hard to say anything:
Despite looking at the menu for 15 minutes:
Shy (all) kids today are just spoiled:
#GrowingUpShy what I use my phone for pic.twitter.com/RiA3md4Dv1
— TooFunnyPics (@toofunnypics) July 1, 2016
When shyness was actually super dangerous:
Birthdays were and still are bittersweet:
Listen, we get it and apparently thousands of Twitter users do too. There’s nothing to be shy about. Except everyone is looking at you, and you might say the wrong thing, or read the wrong word, or choke to death. We’d like to say it gets better when you get older, but you actually just get better at disappearing, reading and chewing…hopefully. Everyone is still watching. Good luck!
(Via Mashable)