This Pizza-Flavored Ice Cream Is Capturing The Imagination Of The Internet

Would you try pizza-flavored ice cream? That’s the question on everybody’s mind this week, thanks to Little Baby’s Ice Cream in Philadelphia, PA. The scoop shop — which recently made waves over ice cream made of real crickets — has gone viral once again thanks to the ubiquitous flavor, covered recently by every outlet from Foodbeast to Refinery 29 to Teen Vogue and so on.

But what exactly, does pizza-flavored ice cream entail? According to the Little Baby’s website: “tomato, basil, oregano, salt, and garlic.” But what most people don’t know is that this ice cream is nothing new. The “Pizza” flavor has been around for about as long (if not longer) as Little Baby’s brick-and-mortar store, which opened in the East Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia in 2012. As a local, I can vouch for the tastiness of the pizza ice cream, which boasts a light, sweet cream tomato flavor with heavy notes of basil. And really, all things considered, the pizza ice cream is not all that strange since the shop also boasts flavors such as “Earl Grey Sriracha,” “Everything Bagel,” and “Ranch” — as we’ve previously mentioned.

Fans of the pizza ice cream have taken things one step further however, by scooping it on top of a slice of Pizza Brain pizza — the pizza shop (and world’s first pizza museum) that Little Baby’s World Headquarters shares a space with.

The phenomenon apparently goes back to at least 2013 and even has a name: the Frankford Ave. Taco — a riff on another Philly food mashup, the “Philly Taco” (otherwise known as the South Street challenge), which wraps a Jim’s cheesesteak inside of a slice of Lorenzo’s pizza.

(We’re honestly not sure which is messier.)

Now a “Philly Taco” ice cream flavor? That would be something that would be truly revolutionary. Hope you’re out there listening, Little Baby’s.