This ‘Calorie Calculator’ Reveals A Disheartening Number Of Activities That Are Better For You Than Sex


Staying fit and healthy is a pretty big part of staying alive. The good people over at the The British Heart Foundation created a handy Calories Calculator so you can maximize your calorie burn rate with an activity of your choosing. The calculator asks your age, weight, and activity duration. Then you pick an activity and it’ll tell you approximately how many calories that activity will burn for you.

Surprisingly some activities burn far fewer calories than seemingly less strenuous ones. For instance, yoga — an exercise 25 million Americans partake in — comes in at the bottom of the barrel if you’re trying to burn calories. You’ll have better luck taking up bowling or table tennis. Baseball, surfing, skateboarding, and golf all have similar levels of low calorie burn, but at least you’re outside.

The best sport for burning calories? Boxing.

The calculator also allows you to crunch the numbers on daily household activities to really round out your exercise regime. Unfortunately a good 30 mins of sex comes in as the least calorie burning. Comparatively, a 30 minute run burns as many calories as “three hours” of sex.

You’ll burn the most calories mowing the lawn. Compared to the sports that 30 minutes of lawn care is equal to the same amount of time playing volleyball, hiking, weight training, and water skiing. All of which sound a like a hell of a lot more fun than mowing the lawn but not nearly as fun as the three hour sex sesh.

(Via The Economist)