Host Your Own Amazon Prime Show About Thailand With This Dream Job


When it comes to sponsored travel, why should Instagram influencers get to have all the fun? Thailand is opening up the sponsored travel club to any Millenial or Gen Zer who’s fired up to experience the sights, sounds, and cultures of this long-beloved backpacker’s paradise. They’re doing that by offering a dream job, perfect for anyone who wants to travel the world, get their follower count up, or just to be able to finally use the hashtag #travelista.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand is partnering with production company DreamJobbing to locate a someone who would be comfortable having their travel experiences in their country filmed for a travel show — focusing on all that Thailand has to offer. The host of the documentary would be responsible for bringing attention to the little-known gems in Thailand and would be paid in experiences, all in-country expenses as well as airfare to and from Thailand, oh, and real MONEY, plus daily allowances to eat, shop, do touristy things, etc.

The show will air on Amazon Prime, and filming starts early next year. Of course, the show/documentary will be shot on location in Thailand for two to three weeks between January and February. If you think you’re the adventurous spirit the Tourism Authority is looking for, you must submit an application and send in a 60-second (or less) video introducing yourself and convincing the powers that be to choose you. Applications opened November 1 but will be accepted through the rest of the year. You have some time to apply for this dream job, so get creative!

Heads up: This is probably not the time to mention how many times you’ve seen The Hangover Part II. Just a suggestion.