Watch The First Official, High Quality Trailer For ‘Suicide Squad’ Now

Those kids at Comic-Con think they’re so cool with their sneak previews and advanced screenings, all while we sit here drooling over video footage that was shot on cell phones from 100 feet away. But now we can all bask in the glory that is the official trailer for the upcoming Warner Bros. bad guy blockbuster Suicide Squad. No squinting to make out grainy footage of The Joker, and no awkward angles that make it look like it was filmed from a selfie stick hanging out of your friend’s butt crack. This is the Suicide Squad trailer in all of its official high quality wonder.

But remember that the HD version means that fans need to come with higher quality complaints, too. So save your buttcam-level hate for an upside down X-Men: Apocalypse trailer.

And for anything else you may have missed on the web today…