The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ New Inductees Are Way Less White And Male Than Usual

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We don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the people that put together that one awards show every year) isn’t exactly known for their affinity for diversity. The Academy, and the Oscars themselves, have come under fire as of late for what many see as a bias towards white faces. Thankfully, it looks like they’ve finally gotten the message. This week, according to The Hollywood Reporter, invitations to new members were sent out — a record 683, to be exact — and the statistics show that higher-ups at the Academy are finally recognizing that inclusivity could work to their benefit in the future.

Of the new members, 46 percent are women and 41 percent are people of color. This is a pretty stunning statistic, one that has immediate ramifications on the diversity of the Academy as a whole. Prior to these invitations, the Academy’s membership was 75 percent male and 92 percent white. The new group of inductees should move these percentages to 73% and 89%, respectively.

Some of these new members include recent Oscar winner Brie Larson, the internet’s boyfriend Idris Elba, and True Detective director Carey Fukunaga. Actor Michael B. Jordan and Birth of a Nation director Nate Parker were also tapped. While it will take more than one class of nominees to fix years of ignoring the importance of diversity, this is certainly a huge step in the right direction, one that will hopefully continue to be taken for years to come.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)