Back in October, Bill Murray let slip something he probably wasn’t supposed to: During an interview with a German-language publication, he strongly suggested he was finally doing a comic book movie. He didn’t say which one, but he didn’t make it hard to figure out. People quickly surmised that it was Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, the third in the MCU wing devoted to the superheroes played by Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly. Now it seems Murray has done it again.
In a new episode of The Eli Manning Show (as caught by /Film), the quarterback was hobnobbing around Brooklyn with the screen legend, chowing down in the outside space of a hip eatery. Manning casually asked Murray, “Aren’t you in like a superhero movie coming out?” When Murray responded in the affirmative, Manning pressed him for more specifics, asking what his super-power is.
“My power is, I’m a bad guy,” Murray blurted out, laughing. He said nothing more about the matter, and Manning quickly changed the subject to whether or not Murray agreed with People magazine that Rudd, his co-star, is the sexiest man alive. (He simply said “all of us agree,” although perhaps Rudd does not.)
Was Murray on the level? And if so, is he the main baddie, as Jeff Bridges was in the original Iron Man? We’ll find out later, though surely Marvel top brass aren’t as irritated with him as they doubtless were at Mark Ruffalo when he accidentally revealed the ending of Infinity War a year before it came out.
In the meantime, you can watch Murray Eli Manning Show appearance in the video below.
(Via /Film)