‘Iron Man’ Director Jon Favreau Says An Opportunity To Do Another Marvel Movie May ‘Pop Up Soon’

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Marvel Studios owes a good deal of their success to Jon Favreau. His Iron Man really set the tone for the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe, created the studio’s biggest star in Robert Downey Jr./Tony Stark, and proved Marvel could produce hits provided it was allowed to call the shots. Sure, Iron Man 2 was forgettable, but Favreau’s since rebounded with critically-acclaimed movies like Chef and mega-hit The Jungle Book. So, you have to wonder – could Jon Favreau direct another Marvel movie?

Well, IGN asked Favreau exactly that, and his response was surprisingly positive.

“We’re always trying to figure out if there’s a way for me to contribute beyond just being an executive producer [at Marvel]. I wouldn’t be surprised if something pops up soon, but there’s no one property that we’re identifying that I’d want to helm up and shoulder. Because now that the universe has gotten so big over there, I don’t know that I understand how it all fits together anymore.”

And what would be the deciding factor if/when Favreau chooses a new Marvel project?

“A great story. I know the people over there. I like them. I still executive produce the Avengers series and I like what they’re doing a lot now, I do. We talk a lot about how I could be involved there and I exist both in front of and behind the camera in the Marvel universe, which puts me in a unique position which I enjoy.”

So, what should Favreau direct if he returned to Marvel? The most obvious choice would be to bring him back for one last RDJ-starring Iron Man movie. I also wouldn’t mind seeing him take on one of Marvel’s trippier Jack Kirby properties like The Eternals or Devil Dinosaur. His skill with effects and hard-hitting action would also make him ideal for a Hulk movie, should Marvel ever get around to that. Share your own thoughts below.

(Via IGN)