‘Jurassic World’ Gets A Boost From An Original ‘Jurassic Park’ Cast Member Because Life Finds A Way

Jeff Goldblum is officially heading back to the land of dinosaurs and scientists who aren’t nearly as smart as they think they are about bringing prehistoric creatures to life. The actor, who was one of the best parts of the original Jurassic Park, has officially signed on to the upcoming Jurassic World sequel. The actor hasn’t hung out with any cuddly creatures since The Lost World: Jurassic Park in 1997 after first appearing in the original Jurassic Park.

The planned sequel, helmed by director J.A. Bayona, isn’t exactly a surprise after the first movie broke the bank at the box office with a haul of more than $1.6 billion. The core team of producers is staying intact for Universal — including Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall — which should lead to yet another success story in theaters as long as the story isn’t too out there. More out there than “dinosaurs exist now and there’s a theme park where people can chill out with them,” that is.

Although it isn’t clear how Goldblum will fit into the upcoming continuation of the Jurassic saga, he has lived through two romps in the woods with dinosaurs without being mauled, eaten, or otherwise horrifically killed by a toothy carnivorous beast so he absolutely better live through a third. Jeff Goldblum can’t make his valiant return after so many years away and get chomped, he just can’t. One thing to look forward to will be his chemistry with Chris Pratt, as Pratt’s goofy hero and Goldblum’s sarcastic “chaotician” Dr. Ian Malcolm would make for a truly entertaining pair onscreen.

Whatever his role in the new movie, this should get any holdouts that were fans of the first movies but didn’t see the most recent installment into seats. All we can say to whomever at the studio convinced Goldblum to sign off on his return is:

(via The Hollywood Reporter)