The Latest Clips From ‘Kong: Skull Island’ Confirm That Monsters Exist And They Will Battle

Monsters are plentiful in the upcoming Kong: Skull Island, but we have to ask ourselves… who are the real monsters? *watches a clip of King Kong getting into a donnybrook with a giant lizard creature* Oh! It’s those two. That’s a relief. I was worried I’d have to have a hard think about my life.

Next month’s Kong showcase has released a collection of new clips into the wild. Included in the latest crop is an interesting mix of a tense tête-à-tête between Samuel L. Jackson and John Goodman, the aforementioned bit of monster brawling and other things that make you wonder if you should be saving them for when the movie actually opens on March 10. Bah, they’re here right friggin’ now. Savor them.

Yes, mass graves, an intimidating silhouette and a bloody pawprint await. (This is how you make a movie, Nine Lives.) Helmed by The Kings of Summer filmmaker Jordan Vogt-Roberts, the newest Kong tale has a rather impressive cast. Not only are Goodman and Jackson key players in the story, Kong: Skull Island also boasts Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larsen (who has been weirdly limited in the movie’s marketing) and John C. Reilly sharing their talents in this ’70s-set tale.