“Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)” songstress and surprise Brexit commentator Lindsay Lohan can see herself back in league with Disney. In fact, she’s making her pitch to join the ranks of Disney’s new surge of live-action princesses. Where is this pitch happening? On Instagram, you silly goose!
Using a handy side-by-side visual comparison, Lohan considers herself to be an excellent candidate for a Little Mermaid live-action motion picture. She’s game to sing and has some ideas for who else should participate. Alert the music department accordingly.
“I will sing again, as #ariel #thelittlemermaid” wrote/hashtagged the Liz & Dick actress. “@disney approve that #billcondon directs it along with my sister @alianamusic singing the theme song for the soundtrack. also @kgrahamsfb plays Ursula. Simply because, she is the best. take one. @disneystudios”
Disney seems to be pretty happy with their current Little Mermaid redo plans, so consider us a bit skeptical about the chances of LiLo’s CrossFit guru being gifted the role of Ursula. We haven’t seen too much of Lohan lately, but she’s not shy about suggesting future projects and ideas. In December, she shared that she’s written a treatment for Mean Girls 2 (not the VOD one) and would like to add Jamie Lee Curtis and Jimmy Fallon to the equation.