Natalie Portman Is Pretty Sure That She’s Done With Marvel And ‘Thor’ For Now

A big part of what made the first Thor movie work so well was the love story between Thor and Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster. Jane Foster was pretty tough in her own right and the only woman to be able to tame the superhero’s wild heart. It has already been known that Jane Foster doesn’t appear in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok, although there have been explanations as to why, including that there isn’t much focus on Earth, where Jane Foster would be. Thor: Ragnarok takes place in the cosmos and there might not be room for romance or subtlety anymore, which seems like a solid reason.

But, on the other side of the coin, Natalie Portman seems to think that her time with Marvel has come to an end. In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal she talked about her upcoming projects and the topic of Thor came up and she seems to — at least for the time being — be done with Marvel’s Cinematic Universe.

“As far as I know, I’m done. I don’t know if maybe one day they’ll ask for an ‘Avengers 7’ or whatever, I have no idea. But as far as I know, I’m done.”

What that means for the astrophysicist and her relationship with Thor in the film series is anyone’s guess, but if Natalie Portman doesn’t know of any future involvement and isn’t contracted, chances are that she’s done.

Internet reaction seems mixed, to say the least.

At least we’ll have the memories, right? Her last appearance as Jane Foster was in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World, and her only two appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were in the two Thor films.

(Via The Wall Street Journal/EW)