Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’ Poster Has Led To Some Puzzled Reactions


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is one of the most anticipated movies of 2019, not only because it was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, which is always a cause for celebration, but because of the cast involved. Leonardo DiCaprio! Brad Pitt! Margot Robbie! Al Pacino! Scoot McNairy! The list goes on and on (Damian Lewis! Dakota Fanning! Timothy Olyphant! Bruce Dern!). Excitement is especially high this week, with the first trailer for Hollywood rumored to drop tomorrow. Hopefully, it’s a lot better than the movie’s poster.

That’s not NOT Pitt and DiCaprio, but also, why does Pitt’s face look like that? Did someone forget that DiCaprio is 44 years old? What are they leaning against? Tarantino movie posters are usually very good — think of Uma Thurman smoking on the one-sheet for Pulp Fiction, or the strikingly yellow artwork for Kill Bill — but Once Upon a Time in Hollywood leaves a lot to be desired. Unless the designers wanted Pitt to be compared to Jim Carrey, in which case: mission accomplished. (We tease because we’re VERY excited.)

Others got in on the fun, too.








It can’t be unseen.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which “takes place in Los Angeles in 1969, at the height of hippy Hollywood,” according to QT, opens on July 26.