Back in 2013 (so many years ago), we learned that Christian Bale auditioned for Batman Begins while wearing Val Kilmer’s suit. As it turns out, that suit got a lot more use during the casting process for The Batman. The Bruce Wayne role eventually went to Robert Pattinson who’s got a new, tricked-out suit that matches Matt Reeves’ vision for RPattz’s gothed-out, goon-fighting version of the character. The new suit appears to carry a dark secret, but before the updates happened, yeah, Pattinson tested in Batman Forever mode. And it was an intense and sweaty affair.
Via ComicBook, Reeves revealed during DC Fandome that the Kilmer suit played its role in getting Pattinson into bat-mode, which is sort-of a shame because, hell, what a wasted opportunity to not pull out George Clooney’s bat-nipped costume just for fun, right? Actually, that probably would have spoiled the mood, and Pattinson had other issues on his mind:
“It was crazy. But I remember putting it on and thinking, ‘This is impossible. This is going to be absolutely impossible.’ I mean, wearing a kind of two-inch-thick rubber suit, or latex suit, and being incredibly nervous and full of adrenaline the whole time.
“I remember we did like two takes and people were just saying, ‘What can we do about the sweat?’ (laughs) They were like, ‘Nothing! Nothing that can be done.’ I had to be drained of liquid.”
That sounds about right for a guy who blew up a microwave while trying to get through quarantine. And the sweat helped him get into the mindset of wearing all the smudgy eye makeup, for sure. In any event, Kilmer wore that suit while going up against Jim Carrey’s Riddler, and Paul Dano’s putting a distinctly new spin on that character. No word on whether sweat was a big part of Dano’s prep as well, but hey, it couldn’t hurt.
The Batman arrives on March 4, 2022.
(Via Comic Book)