The ever-beloved Scarlett Johansson has come under fire of late for her role in the upcoming adaptation of Ghost in the Shell. Ghost in the Shell was a Japanese property getting a western film made and, well, the white Johansson was cast in the lead role of the film, with the backlash against that decision being palpable. Especially after the controversy over the Oscars not recognizing actors and actresses of color, the film world is incredibly sensitive to these kinds of things these days.
Thankfully, the latest casting announcement for ScarJo is one that seems to fit her like a glove. According to IndieWire, Johansson is set to play Zelda Fitzgerald in The Beautiful and the Damned. Zelda Fitzgerald, the wife to famous novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald, was best known as a novelist in her own right thanks to her novel Save Me the Waltz, as well as her lifestyle as a “flapper.” The flapper style has transcended the ages and has helped to inspire popular culture in its own, unique ways since the origin of flappers.
The Beautiful and the Damned was written by Hanna Weg, best known for Septembers of Shiraz. The film will look to explore Zelda’s tumultuous relationship with F. Scott and how it influenced both of their works and lives.
(Via IndieWire)