Seth Rogen’s Weed Company Is Coming To America, And He’s ‘Never Been More Excited About Anything’

This may come as a surprise, but Seth Rogen? A bit of a marijuana enthusiast. I’m also shocked that the star of Pineapple Express, who hangs out with Snoop Dogg and has smoked a “truly ungodly” amount of pot during quarantine, enjoys weed, but it’s true. In 2019, he and his writing partner Evan Goldberg launched a cannabis company, Houseplant, that was initially only available in Canada, but on Monday, Rogen announced that his brand is coming to America. He has never looked happier.

“Almost ten years I go, I envisioned having my own weed company. And today I can say that my company Houseplant’s weed will be available in California next week! Also, Houseplant is making lovely Housegoods like ashtrays, lighters, and YES, even ceramics,” the pot and pottery pro tweeted, along with photos of the retro-looking goods.

The Houseplant website is currently down due to a traffic surge (it’s been a looooong pandemic), but Rogen told Fast Company that “our strategy has always been the same, and that is to treat cannabis like the product that it is, which is the best product. In a world where things like headphones get incredible attention to detail, in terms of how they’re designed, presented, and marketed, we think weed is a thousand times better than headphones. Why is weed not getting that amount of attention?”

Rogen, who also has a book coming out, called launching Houseplant “exciting but always a little scary. Especially with products that genuinely feel new. I don’t know if many people have been manufacturing table lighters in the last six decades or so. It’s something I know I personally would want more than anything, as someone who loses more lighters than anyone I’ve ever met. We just have to hope that our tastes, and the things we want as people who smoke weed, that others agree with that.” Houseplant is the real “apex of the vortex of joint engineering” (but only for California residents), and as he points out in this video, he’s “never been more excited about anything.”

(Via Fast Company)