Stephen Lang Wants To Play Cable In The Next ‘Deadpool’ Movie And He’s Not Being Shy About It

Terra Nova vet Stephen Lang has an idea who should play Cable in the next Deadpool cinematic offering. Here’s a hint: The name of the guy he’s thinking of has a name that starts with a “Stephen Lan” and ends with a “g.”

Lang, who you might know better as Avatar hard-ass Colonel Miles Quaritch, hasn’t been shy about expressing his desire to play the Marvel character in the sequel to America’s new religion Deadpool. The 63-year-old thespian has outfitted his Twitter timeline with tweets campaigning for the role, plus fan (and family) endorsements that declare #langiscable. Did we mention that his pre-training physique isn’t too shabby, because the dude is looking pretty good in these lobbying selfies.

We don’t want to dive too deep into Deadpool SPOILERS just yet, but it is safe to say that Ryan Reynolds has expressed a definite interest in a Deadpool + Cable motion picture being trotted out in the future. Granted, everyone’s kinda shown an interest in that, it’s just that it means a little bit extra when your leading man smiles, nods and gives a suggestive eyebrow raise when asked about such a thing.

Would Stephen Lang be your ideal Cable? We think there’s some serious merit to outfitting this Tony Award nominee with the role of the X-Force alum, but we want your takes of varying heat. Sound off in the comments! Oh, also here’s a photo of Lang holding some adorable pups. It doesn’t have anything to do with the story, but it’s the internet and that’s what these things are for.
