Suicide Squad is nearly upon us and ready to take all our money. With large chunks of the public already going totally batmansh*t over the summer blockbuster it seems like the sweet spot in the promo cycle for a Suicide Squad parody. Loot Crate have decided to fill that gap in the market.
Clocking in at a breezy 2:20, Loot Crate’s parody clip reimagines Suicide Squad with the DC characters removed. Who takes their place? An all-star team of Quentin Tarantino characters, that’s who. Not every film gets a player on the squad, but there’s a fun QT impression and we wouldn’t turn down such a thing. This alternate universe lineup features the combo of Django from Django Unchained, Lt. Aldo Raine from Inglourious Basterds, Jules from Pulp Fiction and the 2-4-1 value pairing of The Bride and Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill Vol. 1. Big Kahuna fast food is enjoyed, blood is liberally sprayed and Nazi stand-ins get mowed down in a variety of exciting ways. It’s a bit light on foot fetish stuff to be mistaken for a Tarantino joint, but it’s still good silly fun.
Give ‘er a gander for yourself by hitting play on the video at the top of the screen and share your thoughts in our super cool comment clubhouse.