The Owners Of The Real House That Inspired ‘The Conjuring’ Are Suing Warner Bros.

Of the 47 haunted house movies that have come out in the last five years, The Conjuring is the most successful. The Patrick Wilson- and Vera Farmiga-starring film made $318 million on a $20 million budget, and generally received positive reviews, a rarity for a horror movie. Then Annabelle happened, and everything turned to crap. But despite that sour spin-off, the warm, fuzzy feelings for The Conjuring remain, so much so that the real-life Rhode Island house that inspired the film has become a popular tourist destination. The owners are not thrilled about this development.

[Norma Sutcliffe and her companion Gerry Helfrich] have filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros., claiming they have been under siege by curiosity-seekers, horror fans, and others who want to get a glimpse of the allegedly haunted house in The Conjuring. If you’re wondering how anyone knows where the house is, there’s an on-screen message at the beginning of The Conjuring that says the movie is based on a “true story” that occurred in a home in Harrisville, R.I. Spend a few minutes with Google and you can find the address. (Via)

“No Trespassing” signs have been posted around the house, and fences have been built, but Sutcliffe said, “I’ve had fences broken down and had people try to break in. I fear the worst every single day.” On the plus side, at least no one’s thrown a pizza on their roof?

(Via Boston Globe)