Keanu Reeves Opens His Door To Murderous Strangers In The Newest Trailer For ‘Knock Knock’

Keanu Reeves is finally old enough to play the loving husband with a family. The problem is he chose Knock Knock, Eli Roth’s remake/update to 1977’s Death Game, to take the role, guaranteeing a rough time as he has to fight for his life. And his dog’s life I assume.

It’s like John Wick without the hitman angle, showing Keanu loving his dog and his family. He just doesn’t seem to love them enough to say no to two soaking wet, sexy young ladies with a penchant for murder.

Roth seems to mix his own experiences with the Hostel series here with the themes presented in the original film. It has a far more glossier look than the cheap, grindhouse feel of the original film, so I don’t know if the effect will feel the same. It’s too bad this isn’t John Wick 1.5, though. Not because this looks terrible or I feel anything for Reeves’ character, I just really, really enjoy John Wick.

The original’s trailer is below for comparison:

(Via Jo Blo)