Vin Diesel Attempts To Bring Peace In The ‘Fast And Furious’ Feud Between Tyrese And The Rock

If you’ve yet to catch up on the exhausting and hilarious road traveled by the Fast And Furious cast feud up to this point, don’t hesitate to fix that right over here. That’s because there’s yet another new entry to be placed within thanks to Papa Vin Diesel attempting to play peace maker for his Fast “family” in the wake of Tyrese calling out The Rock for the delay of the next Fast And Furious movie.

There’s not much I can say that’s better than what Brian Grubb has already said, but the entire feud hinges on the announced spin-off film featuring Jason Statham and The Rock’s characters from the main series. It seemed that Vin Diesel had “come off the top rope” to end the week, picking Tyrese and taking his side in the feud. But the latest post from the actor on Instagram hints that we may have spoken too soon and there could be something else in the works for the Fast And Furious films:

I know there has been a lot of speculation as to why the Fast 9 release date was pushed… but it would be unfair to say it is anyone’s fault.
As we plot the course to expand the Fast & Furious universe, one must be mindful to take stock of the roads we took to get here. The pillars of authenticity, family and most importantly, our loyal fan’s perspective has been instrumental in procuring success.

However, like any vehicle that has run around the globe 8 times, the franchise is in need of maintenance. My good friend and the godfather of Universal, Ron Meyer has granted me the time to do just that. We have some very exciting news to share soon… stay tuned.

Diesel is almost like some wise sage who has gone to the top of the mountain to discover wisdom and is now returning to humanity to spread it around, except he’s talking about a movie series featuring flying cars, The Rock kicking torpedos, and stolen DVD players. Whatever maintenance he’s hinting at should be revealed in due time, but for now it seems that Diesel is at peace with the spin-off idea and looks forward to extending the scale of the Fast And Furious franchise.

If we end up taking this into space, I don’t think the public will be able to handle it.