Drive and The Neon Demon director Nicolas Winding Refn wants to put his unique spin on Batgirl. That might seem a little out of left field for the iconoclastic director, but Batgirl isn’t the first female superhero Refn has ever expressed interest in. Back around the release of Drive, Refn was fixated on doing a Wonder Woman movie with Christina Hendricks in the lead role. Needless to say, that led to a lot of thoughtful chin-stroking by men from all the world over — “Christina Hendricks as Wonder Woman, you say? Hmmmm! Why, I think that might just work. Make it so!”
Back then, it wasn’t particularly clear how serious Refn’s Wonder Woman intentions were. Was it just idle nerdy talk? Apparently not, for during a recent appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Refn confirmed he’d talked to Warner Bros. about Wonder Woman:
“At one point, they did come to me, and we had a very early conversation about Wonder Woman. I was, like, I love Wonder Woman, but I would only do it with Christina Hendricks.”
Unfortunately, it seems Hendricks was the sticking point, because sometimes Hollywood doesn’t make much sense. During the same podcast, Winding Refn hinted at what his next project might be. Seems he’s in a spy movie kind of mood.
“I had some wonderful meetings with the Broccolis, and Daniel Craig and so forth. I love James Bond. I got ideas. I want to do a spy movie. [Christina Hendricks] as the spy would be a really good idea.”
That last sentence was kind of a joking callback, but still, I’d watch a Christina Hendricks spy movie. I’d definitely watch a Nicolas Winding Refn Bond movie, if only to see what horrifying things he’d do with 007’s license to kill. Like Bond beating Blofeld to death with his own cat.
Refn’s The Neon Demon is in theaters right now.
(Via Happy Sad Confused)