It Looks Like Even Twitter Jail Can’t Keep Azealia Banks Off Twitter Now That Elon Musk Is Buying It

In 2020, controversial rapper Azealia Banks had her Twitter account suspended. It was after a slew of transphobic tweets, which were nothing out of the sort for her. It was also not her first time being suspended; she was known for getting into fights with stars like Lana Del Rey and others.

Well, now that Elon Musk has acquired Twitter and all hell has been breaking loose on the bird app, Banks has made another Twitter account. She shared this news on her Instagram, posting her new handle @Azealiaishere with the caption: “Oh girlssssssssss lmao we are in this b*tch.” She’s yet to make a tweet yet, but surely she’ll be wreaking havoc soon.

Despite Banks’ chaos, the “212” rapper used Instagram to condemn Kanye West’s actions in February: “Y’all are making way too many excuses for Kanye. This is the second time he has publicly bullied North West. First with the abortion sh*t, and now putting her on blast on his Instagram page as if she’s some sort of criminal.” She continued, “Kanye had no problem with that magazine cover where North had on a f*cking belly top and purple eyeliner with her little buds showing thru the shirt, he thought it was fashion. You all said nothing.”