Car Seat Headrest frontman Will Toledo is just like us. And by that we mean he is also obsessed with Frank Ocean. Toledo has hinted to his love of the singer-songwriter and creator of the best record of 2016 Blonde (maybe ever, if we’re being real here) in his past lyrics. On the Twin Fantasy track “Cute Thing” Toledo finds a moment to wax poetic about Frank’s dulcet tones: “Give me Frank Ocean’s voice / And James Brown’s stage presence / I will be your rock god when you’re rolling the dice.”
Car Seat Headrest is currently touring Australia and at their Perth show, Toledo busted out some more Frank love. The band covered the Blonde number “White Ferrari,” seamlessly blending it into their own track “Twin Fantasy (Those Boys).” Watch the performance below.
In between subtle declarations of adoration for Frank and his work, Toledo teamed up with Smashmouth in the most bizarre collaboration of all time in which the two bands covered each other’s songs. It’s incredibly strange, but hey, that’s the Internet for you.
Meanehile, the ever-so-elusive Frank recently interviewed Call Me By Your Name breakout star (and another extremely vocal fan of Frank’s work) Timothée Chalamet. In a move that is classicly Frank, the singer released a heartbreaking cover of Audrey Hepburn’s “Moon River” on Valentine’s Day that we’re still reeling from weeks later.