Conan O’Brien And A ‘Walking Dead’ Star Record A K-Pop Video And Visit North Korea

In Conan O’Brien’s latest overseas adventure, the late night host went over to South Korea, visiting places such as the Demilitarized Zone and a Buddhist temple with impressive cell phone service. However, on top of all that, Conan and The Walking Dead star Stephen Yuen made their debut as K-pop stars, replete with a music video.

Conan and Yuen teamed up with J.Y. Park, a major force in the K-pop world as both an artist and producer, and got some help from Jimin Park and the Wonder Girls in order to make it all happen with the song “Fire.” If you are familiar with K-pop, you will probably be able to assess the quality of the song, and be able to understand the video a little bit more, but even for the layperson, it’s pretty amusing.

The video features Conan and Yuen wearing all sorts of strange outfits and everybody does Conan’s iconic “string dance,” which is utilized quite a bit in the video. There was also a warning before it debuted on Conan that it could induce seizures potentially, so watch out for that. Conan’s trip to Korea may have been his best show yet away from his home base, and the music video for “Fire” was a great way to bring the episode to a close.

(Via Deadline, Vulture)