Mirrorland, the debut album from Atlanta duo Earthgang, introduces a bizarre alternate reality of fantastical creatures and surreal situations described through the words of group members Olu and WowGr8. Now, the out-there ATLiens provide the first glimpse of their dreamlike vision with the video for “Up,” produced by Resolve Media Group and directed by Chad Tennies and Mac Grant.
The video begins with an innocent enough class day trip to the museum, where one curious youngster finds himself drawn to an off-limits area by a glowing purple light. What he finds beyond the curtain is a painting of Olu and WowGr8 in their Mirrorland alter egos which he touches (against museum rules) and gets instantly transported to Mirrorland, where everything isn’t what it seems. After meeting and being menaced by the Pan’s Labyrinth-like creatures that roam the Mirror Museum’s halls, he’s brought before Olu and WowGr8 and seemingly gifted with the power to direct their movements in a choreographed dance sequence.
While preparing the first major video from their album, Earthgang also participated in releases from their Dreamville cohorts; in September, they appeared alongside Bas in his jovial “Jollof Rice” video and in August, they embraced a more reflective posture with J. Cole in the video for “Sacrifices,” also featuring Saba and Smino. Just this week, the duo embarked on their Welcome To Mirrorland tour beginning in Tallahassee, Florida.
Mirrorland is out now via Dreamville and Interscope Records.