Eminem Debuts The 360-Degree Teaser Trailer For His Upcoming VR Documentary, ‘Marshall From Detroit’

Virtual reality hasn’t completely taken over entertainment yet, but it has made inroads toward being a more widespread technology. Now, thanks to Eminem and Felix & Paul Studios, it might just get an even more significant boost. The teaser trailer to Eminem’s upcoming documentary, Marshall From Detroit, makes extensive use of VR, allowing viewers to immerse themselves a little more fully into the the world of both the trailer and the artist himself. You can give it a try above; even if you don’t have a VR visor, you can click and drag during the video to get a better look at the surroundings, which include a cameo from journalist Sway Calloway.

Although the teaser doesn’t reveal much of the film’s actual content, you do get to ride around the snow-covered streets of Detroit, as well as ride with Em and Sway in a limo during an interview, which makes full use of the 360 degree camera format. Directed by Caleb Slain, Marshall From Detroit will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend through Sundance’s New Frontier program. The program aims to highlight films that use new technology in creative ways. Marshall From Detroit will see wider release next month, landing on Facebook’s Oculus Go and Rift VR headsets. Meanwhile, Eminem himself will be making his next musical appearance on Boogie’s debut album, Everything Is For Sale.