Don’t hold your breath for the 2018 edition of Fyre Festival. According to TMZ, both Ja Rule and the event’s founder, Billy McFarland have been barred by the Bahamas Ministry Of Tourism from doing repeat business on the islands. So much for all that talk about “next year,” that McFarland brought up in the contrite interview he gave to Rolling Stone. In addition the Ministry will also enact, “stricter vetting system for future festivals, and it will check in with organizers multiple times during the planning process.”
To be honest, both Ja and McFarland have much bigger issues to deal with than the prospect of hosting another iteration of their train wreck “luxury” music festival. Today they were hit by a $100 million lawsuit led by celebrity attorney Mark Geragos. “[Fyre Festival’s] lack of adequate food, water, shelter, and medical care created a dangerous and panicked situation among attendees — suddenly finding themselves stranded on a remote island without basic provisions — that was closer to ‘The Hunger Games’ or ‘Lord of the Flies’ than Coachella,” the attorney wrote in the legal brief.
From start to finish, Fyre Festival was a total disaster. The musical entertainment, bands like Blink 182 didn’t show up. The attendees who shelled out thousands of dollars were housed in makeshift tents and fed cheese sandwiches. And, the logistics of getting them on and off the island were a nightmare.
Here's the dinner they fed us tonight. Literally slices of bread, cheese, and salad with no dressing. #fyrefraud #fyrefestival #dumpsterfyre pic.twitter.com/NmNXakSFlq
— Tr3vor (@tr3vorx) April 28, 2017
A view of the luxury food court with some luxury school bus transportation at Fyre Festival. #fyre #fyrefestival pic.twitter.com/XL3PtRw8q0
— William Needham Finley IV (@WNFIV) April 28, 2017
McFarland was probably stating the obvious when he said after the fact, “We were a little naïve in thinking for the first time we could do this ourselves.” Adding, “We were overwhelmed and just didn’t have the foresight to solve all these problems.”