Even months after the release of his landmark album DAMN, Kendrick Lamar is still breaking down walls and smashing records. DAMN was already a huge smash hit after spending four weeks at No.1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart upon its release, but today it was announced that after he became the first non-classical or jazz musician to win the Pulitzer Prize for his lyrics, sales of the album DAMN increased by 236%. This means that right now DAMN is sitting at a little over one million copies sold and his online streams jumped 25% to 26.9 million.
This is an almost unprecedented upswing in sales a year after an album’s release. Especially when you consider that DAMN had already done quite well for itself after its release. Besides the previously mentioned four weeks at No. 1, DAMN swept all three categories for top albums for Billboard’s year-end rankings including Best Rap Album. The success may or may not have gone to Kendrick’s head. The rapper is after all known for claiming to be the greatest rapper alive and that was long before he was certified by Billboard, the Pulitzer board, and the Grammys. Kendrick himself has yet to comment on the accomplishment so perhaps we can expect it to show up as the topic of a future song.