Kenny G Explains How He Ended Up Playing Sax In Kanye’s Living Room For Valentine’s Day

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When it comes to Valentine’s Day surprises, it looked like Kanye West had us all beat yesterday. No matter how big you went, it’s pretty unlikely that you went “Kenny G playing saxophone in a room full of roses” big — mostly because that’s exactly what Kanye did for his wife Kim, so Kenny was pretty booked. The saxophonist talked to Rolling Stone after the unusual gig, joking that he might serenade everyone at the restaurant where he planned to have dinner. No doubt, that footage would go viral too.

G says Kanye reached out via a publicist, who put them in touch late the night before. He says songwriter David Foster convinced him to take the job, which was easy to pull together since he doesn’t live far from Kanye and Kim. Although many of the jokes that revolved around the viral video spun off the premise that he was trapped in this room filled with vases, he says the room didn’t actually get completely set up until after he arrived. “They were putting all of this stuff together,” he said. “I did not see the room completed until literally 20 seconds before I started playing.”

There were two more interesting tidbits from the conversation. One, Kanye apparently does not wear his MAGA hat at home (at least not when meeting guests), and two, there’s a slight possibility of Kenny G playing sax on Kanye’s next album, since they visited the home studio after the serenade. “I got a chance to hear some of his music and talked again about, maybe there’s a possibility of a little sax on a Kanye West record,” Kenny said. Suddenly, there’s a reason to be excited about Yandhi again.