Kyle‘s wild, animated, hip-hop sketch comedy show Sugar & Toys is returning for a second season September 20 on Fuse TV to lampoon all your favorite rappers, from the Lil’s to Drizzy, with Kyle hosting the proceedings from his living room — sort of. Due to current events, Kyle’s live-action segments had to be cut but fortunately, the show already has a team of animators ready to turn Kyle himself into one of the illustrated cast. Watch an exclusive clip introducing the new, animated version of Kyle above and the season two trailer below.
Kyle, who is fresh off the release of his latest album, See You When I Am Famous!!!!!!!!!!!!, explained the inspiration behind the show in an interview with Uproxx when it first premiered. “The morning cartoon is just such a nostalgic thing that every human, every race, ethnicity, rich, poor… we all experience the same thing,” he said. “I really like relating to the most innocent parts of people. The most innocent memories we have, the purest kind… We all went through it, we all have those memories.”
Watch the exclusive introduction of animated Kyle and the season two trailer for Sugar & Toys above and catch the season two premiere 9/20 at 11pm on Fuse TV.
Kyle is a Warner Music artist. .