It would be nice to have a new Lorde album out in the next few weeks. Maybe she could whip the LP up with a “Royals” level single, too. We say “it would be nice” because the Kiwi pop marvel is still crafting her latest record and we know you can’t really yell someone into putting out new music. Frank Ocean fans understand this, but apparently one “fan” of Lorde’s needed a refresher on album request etiquette.
The issue came about courtesy of an innocent Instagram post featuring Lorde and an amphibious co-star.
Just a pleasant picture, eh? Nothing worth getting worked up over? Well, one commenter wasn’t happy with the 19-year-old hanging out with frogs and slammed her for having the audacity to go three years between albums.
“Do you think we’ll ever get another album or should we just give up on you as an artist?” moaned the user in a remarkably pissy comment.
Lorde responded appropriately, with the perfect blend of patience and sass.
“Give up on me if you want to! I’m an artist, I write a record when I have enough special stories to tell, and it’s all me, every melody every lyric, not some team who just start the machine up every eighteen months like clockwork,” she fired back. “The record is written, we’re in the production stage now. I’ve worked like a dog for a year making this thing great for you guys.”
If you’re going to a dink to pop artist you like, that’s almost too nice of a response. Neither comment would last. Both parties deleted their comments on the subject.
Details on what to expect from Lorde’s second full-length are a tad limited, but last month there was a message of progress shared on Twitter. Remember: It’ll be ready when it’s ready.
(Via NME)