After Mac Miller passed away, it appeared that he still had some music in the vault. For example, during the tribute concert in his honor, a video was shown of him playing an unreleased song on piano. Before he died, he also recorded a Spotify Singles session, and now the two-song release has been shared.
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For the session, Miller kept things instrumentally sparse, performing with just piano and vocals on a new version of Swimming highlight “Dunno.” These releases typically feature a cover song as well, and for this one, Miller decided to perform a soulful rendition of the 1974 No. 1 single “Nothing From Nothing” by Billy Preston, who is also known for his work with The Beatles and others. The posthumous release shows that Miller still had plenty left in the tank, and that there was surely more special work to come from Miller post-Swimming.
Miller often shared clips of himself playing the piano, and he previously said about playing instruments, “It’s a whole entire journey of self-exploration, because it’d be so easy to just throw a beat on and rap and call it an album. But I have to expose some part of myself that I’m uncomfortable with with every album. […] I’ve seen people who can really play, […] who can speak better through their instrument than they can in conversation.”
Listen to Miller’s Spotify Singles release above.