Parry Gripp’s Latest Musical Masterpiece Is About ‘Boppity Bunnies’

Parry’s Gripp’s newest opus, “Boppity Bunny” — not to be confused with “Baby Bunny” because you can never have too many bun-related songs — is actually for a good cause, supporting Santa Barbara’s B.U.N.S. (Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter). So in addition to being adorable, all of the bunnies and guinea pigs in this video are presumably also up for adoption, and I’m sure Parry Gripp wouldn’t even mind if you wanted to name your bunny after him.

Don’t live near Santa Barbara? You can just make a donation here. Then settle on in while “Come on and love me, now / I’m a Boppity Bunny, now” plays on a non-stop loop in your brain for the next 48 hours or so.

(Via Tastefully Offensive)