You may have seen a video recently of an older gentleman with a beard performing some impressive choreography to Post Malone‘s late 2018 hit, “Wow.” You probably took note of this man’s seemingly advanced age and his figure and his… well… whiteness, and how they all seemed at odds with just how much soul and verve his dancing displayed — for how well he moved, he could have been much younger, trimmer, and let’s say “urban.”
That incongruity helped make the video a viral hit, shared far and wide, from Will Smith and Post Malone’s Instagrams to probably your mom’s Facebook, by now. Mike Alancourt is a bonafide star, earning him the adoration of millions along with an inevitable appearance on The Ellen Show.
Of course, Ellen wasn’t going to let Alancourt come on the show to perform his enthusiastic choreography without setting up some sort of surprise for the 43-year-old, boundary-bending dancer. After he had performed and had a moment to catch his breath, Ellen directed his attention to the video wall, where Post Malone himself appeared to praise his moves, saying: “I love your moves and you kick ass.” He then invited Mike to his show in Arizona this Sunday, March 25 to show off those moves live. It was a sweet moment that shows that hip-hop really can be for everybody.