OK Computer is a defining album of the ’90s, of alternative music, and for Radiohead. Understandably, fans want as much of it as they can get, and that recently came to the point where hours of studio session recordings from that era were leaked online. Now Radiohead has issued their response: The band has made the tapes officially available for purchase for a limited time.
Minidiscs [Hacked] can be bought on the band’s Bandcamp page, and proceeds will be donated to climate activist group Extinction Rebellion. Jonny Greenwood explained the band’s decision to release the material themselves, writing:
“We got hacked last week – someone stole Thom’s minidisk archive from around the time of OK Computer, and reportedly demanded $150,000 on threat of releasing it.
So instead of complaining – much – or ignoring it, we’re releasing all 18 hours on Bandcamp in aid of Extinction Rebellion. Just for the next 18 days. So for £18 you can find out if we should have paid that ransom.
Never intended for public consumption (though some clips did reach the cassette in the OK Computer reissue) it’s only tangentially interesting. And very, very long. Not a phone download. Rainy out, isn’t it though?”
https://t.co/iTcF2VjYRdhttps://t.co/6Pao0hThbU pic.twitter.com/OepiMlEL73
— Jonny Greenwood (@JnnyG) June 11, 2019
Listen to Minidiscs [Hacked] below and download it here.
[protected-iframe id=”13b840eedef955c35e832e28cb0ce501-60970621-76566046″ info=”https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=540938686/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/artwork=small/transparent=true/” style=”border: 0; width: 650px; height: 472px;”]