In his colorfully animated new video for “Superheroes,” Stormzy salutes all the everyday heroes that make the world go ’round, casting small acts of kindness as superpowers. The latest video from his 2019 album Heavy Is The Head contains a tribute to Chadwick Boseman, the actor who played the Black Panther in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe and provided a big-screen superhero for kids all over the world to look up to.
Among the “superpowers” displayed in the video, Stormzy saves a child from being hit by a car, but then also provides mentorship. Meanwhile, a young woman cooks a meal and cleans up for her elderly neighbor (or grandmother), while Stormzy’s fellow rapper Little Simz inspires another young woman to be confident in her hair. A young man uses his brain power to fill a white board with equations, Stormzy protects another youngster from menacing policemen, and grime star Dave makes a cameo to lead a Black Lives Matter march. The video points out all the ways in which ordinary people can be superheroes and “save the day,” simply by making small differences in the lives of other people. It turns out empathy is the greatest superpower of all.
Watch Stormzy’s “Superheroes” video above.
Stormzy is a Warner Music artist. .