Summer Walker Is Hiring, But You Must Meet A Few Surprising Requirements: Male, White, & Not-Straight

The internet is questioning whether or not Summer Walker has the sense that God gave her. Moments after posting her maternity photos, the singer shared that she was looking for a personal assistant. Given that the “Over It” singer is currently on maternity leave, the need for additional help around the house seemed natural. However, there were a few stipulations that sent people into a frenzy.

In the Instagram stories post, the soon-to-be mother of two wrote, “Need a male assistant. $2,000 a month. Based in Atlanta. Have to have a car. How to know how to build stuff. Preferably white or gay.”

But fans need not apply as the singer was sure to include the following words: “And doesn’t give af about who I am or my music. Just need your to come to work.”

Fans were relentless on Twitter in sharing their thoughts on the job listing. Some questioned whether or not the open call was legal due to Summer’s listed preferred candidate. Others had a laugh at the singer’s expense, rehashing rumors that Walker couldn’t afford quality help due to her current record deal.

Best of luck to Summer Walker in her search for a new assistant. If you’re interested in applying, email your resume to