It’s official, The Jellies are coming to television. The animated series that sprung from the minds of Tyler, The Creator and Lionel Boyce (aka L-Boy) back around 2015 was originally only available on the Cherry Bomb rapper’s Golf Media app. The audience is about to grow significantly now that it’s been picked up to air on Adult Swim.
The Jellies follows the story of a Jellyfish family who have a 16-year-old son, Cornell that just so happens to be a human being. Cornell eventually figures out that he’s not biologically related to his adopted gelatinous family. The revelation freaks him out and sparks a journey for him to “find himself.” The score for the series is put together by Tyler, while the voice cast boast contribution from L-Boy, Blake Anderson of Workaholics, Phil LaMarr, AJ Johnson, and Kevin Michael Richardson.
The Jellies is just the latest of Tyler’s many recent ventures into the world of television. He and his Odd Future cohorts starred in the original series Loiter Squad, which ran on Adult Swim from 2012 to 2014. The show was skit based and featured a wide variety of different pranks and cameos.
You can watch the trailer for the Adult Swim series below.
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