Here’s How Rihanna Celebrated Her 32nd Birthday

For some of us, February 20th is a national holiday — Rihanna‘s birthday. The queen of the Pisces knows how to celebrate in style, whether she’s picking up awards for her contributions to style and music, or simply getting down because she survived another year around the sun.

This year, Robyn Fenty and her crew of friends and family made their way to Mexico to celebrate, a party that included busting upon a piñata that looked like her, a long seated dinner, and some twerking around the cake before blowing out the candles. The party was conspicuously absent of any other huge names like Jay-Z or other hip-hop and pop stars who have historically attended Rihanna’s blowouts in the past — but there’s always this weekend for a bigger party?


As someone who turns 32 a few short weeks after Rihanna, I’m happy to see she’s continually living her best life with her friends and family by her side, focusing on her career, and completely unbothered about the topics of marriage and kids, which are continually forced upon women in their thirties. However, while we’re all gathered here, it would be an exceedingly good addition to 2020 if RiRi did actually release her extremely anticipated ninth album instead of antagonizing us.