The Internet Got A Hold Of Beyonce’s Twins Birth Certificate, And Now We Know Who Is Older

After completely stopping the world, yet again, last Thursday night with a gorgeous debut photograph of herself and her new twins — decked out in swathes of turquoise and purple fabric, and posed in front of a floral arrangement out in Malibu — Beyonce left plenty to the imagination when it came to facts. We now had official confirmation that the twins were named Sir and Rumi, and that they were one month old around July 14. But who was older? Were they born on the 13 or 14?

Well, everyone’s favorite information-gathering reporters TMZ obtained an official copy of the birth certificate to answer all of those questions and more. Turns out the twins were delivered by Dr. Paul Crane, the official doctor for the Kardashians, who has delivered children for Kim, Kourtney, and even Rob and Blac Chyna.

As for the real details on the deliver, according to the birth certificate they were born on June 13 at 5:13 AM, and Rumi is the older twin, followed by Sir. Interestingly enough, the rumored date of deliver for the Internet’s hivemind came around 6/17, so everyone was a few days late with the guessing game. Perhaps that’s the kind of privacy that a seasoned celeb doctor like Dr. Crane delivers.

Hopefully we’ll get more photos from Beyonce herself soon, and for my money, I hope every single one of them is as over-the-top and regal as the initial pic. Living in the age of Instagram is truly a blessing.