In an interview with Uproxx’s Corbin Reiff, Led Zeppelin lead singer Robert Plant calls Detroit rapper Eminem “an important voice for today’s America and circumstances.” He also referenced The Fugees, which is pretty cool when you think about it. There’s not as much separation between genres as many fans may imagine — although Plant does admit to not being the most knowledgeable rap fan around.
When asked if he listens to hip-hop, Plant is forthcoming and honest with his response, but it’s far more thoughtful than the responses some older rock heroes have given in the past:
Do you ever listen to any hip-hop?
No, not really. Although I don’t know where Eminem fits into all that stuff but as far as him being a kind of urban raconteur, I find him stimulating, and I think he’s got a really important voice for today’s America and circumstances. I think there was a lot of that stuff starting up with The Fugees, way back.
While Plant may have the timeline a little wonky (rap music was critiquing American society a long time before The Fugees), it’s a nice acknowledgment that hip-hop has been tackling important issues pretty much since its inception, as well as a reminder that not every older white guy is as clueless as Keith Olbermann. Meanwhile, Eminem has indeed long been a voice speaking to the American condition and looks to continue the trend on his next album, which won’t be so much political as it will heavily anti-Donald Trump. The album, rumored to be titled Revival is due sometime soon, with a speculated release date of November 17.