Curt Schilling has never been known to hide his true feelings on, well, pretty much anything, but he might regret the photo that he decided to post to Twitter on Tuesday morning. The image compares the percentage of extremists in the Muslim population to the percentage of Nazis in Germany during 1940. Those numbers are displayed over a photo of Adolf Hitler.
Curt, NO pic.twitter.com/k47jQn8Aa8
— Chris Lingebach (@ChrisLingebach) August 25, 2015
As you can imagine, the post prompted a variety of responses, many of which were ones of disappointment and outrage. Schilling deleted the original tweet, but has spent quite some time replying to the responses. Here are a few:
@justindiaz92 i didnt say anything. If its anywhere true its terrifying in number
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) August 25, 2015
@SwedishCar850 agreed, my apologies. That didn't come across in any way as intended or interpreted.
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) August 25, 2015
@PatriotsDynasty yup. Gotta own the times you go off the rails
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) August 25, 2015
This isn’t the first time Schilling has posted something controversial about Muslims, either. This tweet still lives on his account.
Outstanding. pic.twitter.com/7fXcCrs1iO
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) December 14, 2013
Maybe just stick to baseball, Curt.