Donald Trump Is Tweeting Through It As The NFL Continues Its Barrage Of Protests

Week 3 of the NFL season moves forward in earnest while players across the league join Colin Kaepernick’s lead in protesting racial injustices. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is tweeting through it all, calling for the NFL to punish players that peacefully protest by kneeling during the national anthem. He even spouted his campaign catch-phrase, so you know he means business.

As the day went on, Trump retweeted a call to boycott the NFL as a Political Action Committee that was started by Trump campaign operatives began targeting ads towards his supporters, asking them to watch something patriotic instead of football on Sundays.
During the day, Trump told a Bloomberg reporter that his tweets seemingly don’t apply to his buddy and Patriots owner Bob Kraft.

Finally, in a “life imitating memes” type of situation, Trump once again reinforced the “there’s a tweet for everything” viral meme by going back on his words from two days after his inauguration.

Today was a rare showing of unity across the NFL, and a lot of that could be credited to Trump, who, at a rally, said that NFL owners should fire protesters with the phrase: “get that son of a bitch off the field.” Today’s constant barrage of tweets, combated by the protests, seems like its both divided America further and yet, brought many together.