Friday Face-Off: A Narcoleptic Doggy Vs. The Two-Legged Pig

Welcome to Friday Face-Off, our weekly celebration of the Internet’s greatest random videos, as we pit two of them against each other for our own delicious competitive urges. Feel free to send submissions to and if your video wins you’ll get yourself one of our awesome With Leather t-shirts.

It hit me the other day as I was doing push-ups in front of some Victoria’s Secret models that I forgot to put together a Friday Face-Off last week, as I was too busy breaking the world record for most times complaining about having to get up from the couch to walk all the way to the fridge. So I apologize for that and today bring you a very special offering to make up for that.

Today’s Face-Off pits two disabled animals against each other, so when you’re voting in the comments, make sure that you think long and hard about which of these poor souls you’re comfortable casting off into exile.

The Narcoleptic Doggy
Narcoleptic Dog Has Wet Dream – Watch MoreFunny Videos

Wait for it… wait for it… waaaaaaaaaait for itttttttttt… aw, that is some adorable potential death.

A Two-Legged Pig
Pig Walks On Its Front Legs – Watch MoreFunny Videos

I have to be honest, I can’t watch this without wondering how two-legged pig bacon would taste. My guess is delicious.