This is Destiny (a.k.a. “stop talking about your girlfriend” from The Best And Worst Of WWE Raw column) dressed as Flo from the Progressive insurance commercials, and I can say without hyperbole that it’s the best and most personally-appropriate costume ever. She actually works in insurance, and she can go from normal face to CRAZY EYES on command. My costume has been included as the inset image, and while it was also a solidly-nerdy pop culture reference, I’m not sure how big a picture I want on my website of me in a white-ass morphsuit.
And yes, that’s actually me.
Kris Jenkins Hosts The Worst Comedy Sketch In The History Of Television – More things need to be filmed on a set featuring a fake foyer. It reminds me of the Murderface and Knubbler Christmas Special. [SBN]
You Knew It Was Coming: The Greatest Halloween Pet Costumes You’ll See This Year – I’m disappointed that there are 40,000 costumes for dogs, but only like four velcro novelty hats available for cats. I want to dress my cat like the Lone Ranger, dammit, and Petsmart needs to provide for me that option. [UPROXX]
Meme Watch: We’re A Culture, Not A Costume Parody Posters – A little offensive in its counter-productivity (and people should really stop dressing as geisha, because Jesus Christ, get with it, America) but worth it for the Mummy and zombie Big Show cameos. [UPROXX]
Mega Gallery: Awesome, Geeky Pumpkins To Attempt To Carve This Weekend – I’m stuck somewhere between wanting to carve Roseanne cast face pumpkins and saying f**k it to creativity and just doing McDonald’s-style jack-o-lanterns for the rest of my life. [Gamma Squad]
101 Halloween Corgis – I’m covering Corgi Friday for Matt this week, and look at what I have to follow. [Warming Glow]
10 Halloween Tips For The Star Wars Obsessed – Tip 11: It’s 2011 and Star Wars has been rendered awful by its creator, you should probably get obsessed with something more esoteric but still good, like Babylon 5 or maybe Doctor Who. [Smoking Section]
Every ‘Friday the 13th’ Kill Ever – Why hello, naked Willa Ford. Also, Willa Ford, in case you’re reading this, I thought “I Wanna Be Bad” was awesome and you should be my friend in real life. [UGO]
14 “Sexy” Costumes That Defy Logic – Sexy costume backlash is reaching critical mass, yet the only options for women at Halloween stores are sexy costumes. Is this the great paradox of our times? [Buzzfeed]
Five Horror Movies That Were a Nightmare For the Actors – Weee! More anecdotes about that lady getting her butt scratched by brambles during The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! [The Smoking Jacket]
Nyan Cat Dog Wins Halloween – Somewhere the Rick Astley Dog is crying because his owner is behind the times. [The Daily What]
The 50 Creepiest Pieces Of Romance Advice Ever Published – Something legitimately spooky for you to finish out the links. People who follow this advice (or give it) should be accompanied by thunder crashes and flickering lights at all times. Also, bubbling cauldron noises. [FARK]