More Air Guitar Than Any Man Can Handle

Over the weekend, dozens of grown adults gathered in Chicago for the 2011 U.S. Air Guitar Championship, and when the smoke settled and the panties moistened, only one man stood triumphant. This year, that man was Justin Howard, a Chicago native who goes by the air guitar stage name Nordic Thunder.
So what does Mr. Thunder think of his epic victory of awesomeness?

“I love having sex – I mean, most people do, it’s a pleasurable thing. But to be on a stage at the Metro, one of the best venues in all of Chicago, in one of the best cities in all the country, it’s ecstasy at its finest.
“I mean, the energy from the crowd that I was receiving and giving back, it’s just a joyous, awesome, amazing – I don’t know how to put it into words.” (Via The Daily Mail)

You don’t have to, sire. You’ve said what we were already thinking – air guitar is better than sex. And if you don’t believe a guy who pretends to play music for a crowd that doesn’t care that he’s not actually playing music, then you need to take it from the rest of the world, because this air guitar business has been global for years. In fact, Nordic Thunder will represent us peasant cynics on August 26 at the World Air Guitar championship.
Beyond that, the people of WOMAD (World of Music, Arts and Dance) are inviting air guitar enthusiasts from all over this rocking globe to join them at the World Music Festival in England this weekend as they attempt to break the Guinness World Record for largest air guitar performance. The current record stands at 1,883. On Sunday, they want to turn the volume up to 1,884.
After the jump, you can check out the highlights from this year’s U.S. Air Guitar Championship and last year’s World Championship. Girls, try to refrain from throwing your panties at your monitor.

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